产品来源:本产品为伞形科多年生草本植物当归Angelica sinensis (oliv.)Diels的干燥根。
Name:Angelica extract
Original Plant:Root of Angelica sinensis (Oliv) Diels
Specification:1% Ligustilide/0.1% Ferulic acid
Test Method:HPLC
Molecular Formula:C12H14O2
Molecular Weight:190.24
CAS No.:4431-01-0
Melting Point:297℃-298℃
Pharmacological Action:As an ancient and highly aromatic plant, angelica is praised in the folklore of northern Europe countries as a panacea for all ills. The name probably comes from the Greek angelos, meaning “messenger.” Traditionally angelica was considered the most effective safeguard against evil, witchcraft in particular.There are between fifty and sixty varieties that grow worldwide; and each has special healing properties, although all are used for more or less the same purpose.
Angelica Extract is a good remedy for colds, coughs, pleurisy, wind, colic, rheumatism and diseases of the urinary organs. It is generally used as a stimulating expectorant, combined with other expectorants the action of which is facilitated, and to a large extent diffused, through the whole of the pulmonary region. It is a useful agent for feverish conditions, acting as a diaphoretic.
01石杉碱甲|千层塔提取物 1%,5%,98%
02红车轴草提取物 8-40%异黄酮
03柠檬苦素/诺米林 98%
04白藜芦醇|虎杖提取物 20-98%
05越橘提取物 25%越橘花青素
06紫锥菊提取物 4%多酚;4%菊苣酸
07枸杞提取物 30-50%多糖
08黄芪提取物 30-50%多糖
09玉米黄质 5-50%
10五味子提取物 1-9%五味子素类
11银杏叶提取物 CPh,USP,DAB,EP
12人参提取物 80%人参总皂苷
13葡萄籽提取物 95%OPC
14枳实提取物 6-30%辛弗林
15娑罗子提取物 20-98%七叶皂苷
16灵芝提取物 10-60%多糖;1-6%灵芝三萜
17虫草提取物 10-40%多糖
18水飞蓟提取物 80%水飞蓟素30%双宾或单宾
19淫羊藿提取物 10-98%淫羊藿苷
20氢溴酸加兰他敏 99%
21大豆提取物 20-40%大豆异黄酮
22绿原酸 25-98%
23超氧化物歧化酶SOD 2000-3000IU/mg
24番茄红素 5-90%
25叶黄素 5-90%
26生姜提取物 5-20%姜辣素
27当归提取物 1%藁本内酯
28贯叶连翘提取物 0.3%金丝桃素
29武靴藤提取物 25%匙羹藤酸
30熊果酸 25%-98%
31乙酰化白藜芦醇 98%